Satellite Beach, FL US 32937
Swim Training for Beginning Swimmers & Triathletes with Coach Taylor
Location: Gleason Park Pool in Indian Harbour Beach
Date & Time: August 25th, 8-10am
Topics to be Covered: Equipment basics (name, demonstration, use application, pros & cons), Common swim drills (name, demonstration, use application), Sample Main Set
Level: For athletes that know how to swim (this is not a learn to swim course) and want to start training. If you are thinking about joining or have recently joined a master’s team then this is for you!
Objective: For beginner swimmers to gain confidence in a practice/training environment, learn how to use common swim equipment, learn how to perform and apply common swim drills, and how to apply focus to the main set of a training session.
Time Allotment: 2 hours
- Stretch & Warm-Up Swim Equipment 101
- What is the equipment? How is it used? Why is it used? Provide demonstrations and have athletes give it a try!
- Kick board
- Pull buoy
- Paddles
- Fins
- Clock basics
- Break/ Equipment Q & A
- Swim Drills 101
- What are swim drills? Why are they used? How and when are they used? Provide demonstrations and have athletes give it a try! Athletes will perform the drill then swim to execute the drill focus.
- Specific Swim Drills
- Catch Up
- Rotating Kick (back & belly)
- 6 kicks/ 1 pull
- Sculling (stroke catch & stroke finish)
- High Elbow
- Fingertip Drag
- Polo Drill
- Break/ Drill Q & A
- Freestyle Mainset (time dependent)
- Athletes will do a short main set that incorporates speed/tempo changes, stroke count work, and drill focuses to demonstrate how a structured swim set blends these elements.
- Example:
2x 25 freestyle, count strokes
1 x 50 drill- 6 kicks/1 pull, with fins
2x 25 freestyle, build effort to strong
1x 50 paddle pull, focus on side to side rotation
- Cool Down/ Remaining Q & A
Race Contact Info
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