Tampa, FL US 33611
The Big Guava one-mile race series will take place in South Tampa's Gadsden Park and will consist of a single inside loop through the park with no road crossings and gentle turns to give you the opportunity to run fast!
We'll have individual awards for the overall first through third place males and females in each race as well as the series (based on two best times). Age group awards will be provided for the series only (based on your two best times). Age group divisions are as follows:
9 and under, 10 - 13, 14 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, etc.
As this is a smaller race, it is a great opportunity to win an age group award.
Sign up for the series and receive a free cotton/poly blend race shirt or trucker hat.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.