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Excalibur Distance Festival - Event Canceled due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sat March 14 - Sun March 15 Viera, FL 32940 US Directions
The Quest Continues!

There are currently no events.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL US 32940


Over the past year we have been hard at work planning and preparing for the new Excalibur Distance Festival. The last 2 weeks have been spent closely monitoring the evolving situation regarding COVID-19 both here in Brevard, nationally and internationally. After consulting with our medical director and based on the recommendation from Governor DeSantis to cancel or postpone all mass gatherings for the next 30 days, we have come to the conclusion that it would be irresponsible to hold a mass gathering this weekend. We have decided to cancel the 2020 Excalibur Distance Festival. Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to reschedule the event to a later date.

While the decision to cancel was one we did not take lightly, ultimately the “right” decision was clear. The safety and security of our runners, volunteers, staff, partners, and spectators are always our main concern.

We encourage each of you to do the Excalibur Distance Festival events this weekend virtually. Packet pickup started Tuesday this week and will be available through March 31st. If you live locally, we ask that you pickup your race packet that includes your race number, shirt (or shirts if you registered for any of the challenges) and your finishers medal (s).
If you have already picked up your race packet this week, you can still pickup your medals here at Running Zone up until March 31st.

If you live outside Brevard County, please email us to make arrangements at

We understand your disappointment and appreciate your understanding as we navigate through this process together.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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