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60 Miles Holiday Virtual Challenge

Tue December 1 - Thu December 31 Virtual, FL 33326 US


Virtual. Choose your own route.
Virtual. Choose your own route.
Virtual, FL US 33326


Run, Jog, Walk, Crawl if you have to complete our 60 miles challenge in December.

GOAL DISTANCE: To run or walk 60 miles in December 2020.

DATES: Complete your challenge from December 1st to December 31st, any run or walk you do between de 1 to 31st of December counts toward your goal.


It is based on the honor system, you can log your miles manually here at RunSignUp.

It's very easy, Navigate to your RunSignup profile by selecting the Profile Icon at the top right hand corner
Under your Upcoming Events > Select Submit Virtual Results > Enter in your Time > select Submit Time.


You will receive a digital badge once you reach your goal, a digital finisher certificate, a medal that will be mail to you and a We Run Happy neck gaiter!

*All medals and neck gaiters will be shipped the first week of January.

Happy challenge and Happy running!

Keep moving!

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