Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden
A pet is part of the family and losing one can be heartbreaking. To honor the pets that have meant so much to us and our families, we have created the Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden. The memorial garden will be on display during our Furry Skurry event.
Every pet deserves to know how it feels to have unconditional love from a family just like the love you gave to your pet. By purchasing your sign for the Memorial Garden, you are paying tribute to a pet who has meant so much to you while also supporting the homeless animals at the Humane Society of Greater Dayton who are patiently waiting to find a loving family to call their own.
You have until Saturday, May 9, 2025 to purchase your Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden signs for the 2025 Furry Skurry 5K event. Once you purchase, please email Lauren at lboone@hsdayton.org with your pet's photo (if you chose the photo option) as well as your pet's name and your family's name. These signs will then appear in the Rainbow Bridge Memorial Garden during our 34th annual Furry Skurry 5K on May 17, 2025. Following the event, you can take the signs home with you to continually honor your pet or each year you can renew your sign and continually display it in the garden to honor your pet.
Order your sign when you register for the event, or purchase one now by visiting our Furry Skurry Store page.