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C2 - Clarkesville Competition presented by CrossFit 754

Sat October 24, 2015 Clarkesville, GA 305235425 US Directions


3 WOD Competition

9:00AM EDT - 3:00PM EDT
Open to ages 18 - 100.


101 West Waters Street
Clarkesville, GA US 305235425


Changes to WODs, effective 10/12/15:

Teen Division ages will include 18 years of age, if the athlete is still in High School.

Change #1 - WOD #2/ "Run for the Hills" - 10 reps of Knees to 90degrees will be replaced with Kettle Bell Swings (20 reps for RX/10 reps for all others) (RX-53#/35# and Scaled/Masters/Teens-#35/#20).  

Change #2 - WOD#3/"The Rig" , The 10 OH plate lunges will be replaced with 15 Abmat situps. 

FYI, the 3 obstacles for this WOD will be 1) 50yds farmers carry/a pair of dumbells (RX-#45/#25 , Scaled/Masters/Teens-#25/#15) 2) Box Step Ups Ladder (All Divisions up and over x 2 a 16"box, then a 18"box, then a 20" box, then a 18" box, then a 16" box = 10 total Box Step Ups) 3) Overhead Lunges w/ a plate x 10 (5 each leg) (RX-45#/25#, Scaled/Masters/Teens (25#/15#)


1day competition. Categories: Individuals for male and female (RX and Scaled); Masters/40+ for male and female (Scaled only). New...Teenage Division, 13-18 (18 years of age if still in High School)!!

First Annual C2: Clarkesville Competition!
Presented by CrossFit 754.
Singleday competition. $50 Registration- Includes t-shirt.
Categories: Individuals for male & female (RX and Scaled). Masters 40+ for male & female (Scaled only). New...Teenagers Division. 13-17.

Hostedby CrossFit 754
WOD 1:
5mins to max: Clean and Jerk
4mins rest
3mins AMRAP
5 hang cleans
5 shoulder to overheads
RX 135#/95#
Scaled/Masters 95#/65#

Teenagers 75#/45#

2mins rest
1min max front squats
RX 135#/95#
Scaled/Masters 95#/65#

Teenagers 75#/45#
WOD 2:
"Run for the Hills"
RX - 600m hill run with obstacles, then....
20 burpees over a plate
20 toes to bar
Scaled/Masters/Teenagers - 400m hill run with obstacles, then....
10 burpees over a plate
10 knees to 90 degrees
WOD 3:
"The Rig"
20 wall balls 20#/14#
15 pull ups
10 box jumps 30"/24"
5 ring dips
10 wall balls
10 knees to 90 degrees
10 box jumps 20"/16"
10 OH plate lunges 25#/15#
Details to follow in coming weeks.
Contact with questions.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Historic Clarkesville

Historic Clarkesville is located 90 minutes north of Atlanta and 35 minutes north of Gainesville. 



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