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Blake Reynolds Memorial Run

Sat November 30, 2013 Columbus, GA 31906 US Directions


5k Run

9:00AM EST

10k Run

9:00AM EST


4901 College Drive
Columbus, GA US 31906


Come run off that extra turkey you ate during Thanksgiving, while giving back to the community. This run has a 5k and 10k distance run on the Rails to Trails, and for those doing the 10k the race continues through Columbus State University. Free moisture wicking shirts or vests to runners while supplies last. Overall, Masters and Age Group awards. Photographer will have photos available for purchase after the race. Proceeds go to the Aaron Blake Reynolds Memorial Fund which will support Hardaway wrestling, Harris County Boys Home and Animal Arc Rescue Mission.

Race Contact Info

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Blake Reynolds Memorial Run

Feeling guilty because you ate too much on Thanksgiving Day? Feeling guilty because you spent too much money the day after? Well, ease your conscience and come out and run the Blake Reynolds Memorial 5k/10k. Get in shape and feel better all while giving back to the community! You will have a good time, receive a nice shirt or vest and may even take home some hardware. To top it all off, you just may get a P.R. on this scenic course run on the Rails to Trails and through the campus of Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. We look forward to seeing you!


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