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MLK Processional Walk

Sat January 16, 2016 Columbus, GA 31901 US Directions


MLK Processional Walk

12:00PM EST


Liberty Theater
813 8th Ave
Columbus, GA US 31901


The Mayor's Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity invites you to

"The Dream Lives" Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Processional

Columbus Georgia    January 16, 2016   At Noon   At Liberty Theatre Cultural Center (813 8th Avenue)

The Commission will host an event demonstrating through speakers, talent and presentations that "The Dream Lives" in Columbus, Georgia. At the sounding of the Noon siren, organizations, teams and individuals will walk in a Unity Processional from a designated staging area to the Liberty Theatre Cultural Center for "The Dream Lives" festivities. Groups and individuals are encouraged to creatively identify their group or otherwise express how "The Dream Lives", or should live in Columbus.

Your Unity Processional staging area will be assigned.

Entry Deadline: Saturday, January 9, 2016, 5:00 PM (Groups must be in their assigned location no later than 11:00 am on the day of the event.)


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