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Girl Power Celebration Run

Wed July 8 - Sat August 15 Cumming, GA 30041 US Directions


Cumming, GA US 30041


Girls on the Run North Georgia knows every girl has limitless power! This Summer we’re hosting a virtual Girl Power Run to help build connectedness, strengthen social-emotional health and increase physical activity.  Note: This progressive virtual is open to everyone; not just girls. =)
Join us from July 8th and continue to August 15th for a progressive virtual!  This means you run/walk as often and for as long as you want any time & anywhere. Submit your distance to us and we'll keep track of it all. Every girl who registers receives a t-shirt and medal. All running buddies have the option to receive a t-shirt.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


This is a Virtual Progressive Event from July 8th - August 15.  Deadline to register is July 31st.

Girls ... $25 

Running Buddies ... $25 (or choose NO SHIRT option to save $10)

How virtual works

How it works:

Step 1

Get excited, grab some friends and buddies to join you!  Sign up and register under Girls and then we have Running Buddies.  All Girls will receive a shirt & finisher medal.

Step 2

Hydrate, grab your buddy (or not) and get ready to get moving!

Step 3

Get out there and run or walk! You can run at the park, your favorite route in your neighborhood; anywhere you want. 

Step 4


Share your distance, a selfie, or a picture along your race route and use the hashtag #GirlPowerCelebration

Step 5

Submit your results online at: Girl Power Celebration Time Input

You can submit your race time anytime between 7/8/20 and 8/15/20.

Step 6

Check out your results!

All Girls will receive a shirt & medal.  Shirts for Running Buddies are optional.

Awards & Goodies

All Girls registered will receive a Shirt and Medal! =)

Some ways we will make running fun:

  • Social media contests with bi-weekly prize winner
  • Energy Award (a Girls on the Run tradition) given each week
  • Theme Days every Friday
  • Coloring Sheets
  • Power Playlist



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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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