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Attack The Castle

April 25th, 2020 Gainesville, GA 30501 US Directions


Attack The Castle Has Been Cancelled

Riverside Military Academy’s annual Attack The Castle event on April 25th has been CANCELLED. In light of the recent activity and spread of the COVID-19 virus, we as an institution have decided to put in place precautionary measures. The well-being and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our upmost priority. We prefer not to conduct or host larger gatherings in order to keep the well-being and safety a priority. Thank you for your understanding with this recent change. 


2001 Riverside Drive
Gainesville, GA US 30501


Riverside Military Academy's Corps of Cadets challenges you to Attack the Castle! 

Do you have what it takes to overrun and attack the castle? If so, come show what you have on April 25th. Our 5K is a Peachtree Qualifier race! 

Runners will have an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy absolutely beautiful views while running through roads, breezeways, and trails. But, this won't be your standard race! Each runner will be negotiating the obstacles and defenses established by the Castle's defense force!

Attention 10k runners - Expect the 10k route to be one of the toughest that you have run. Challenge yourself on our state of the art obstacle course! This route is characterized by elevation changes and rising/falling terrain mixing dirt, sand, rock, and trail throughout. The faint of heart need not apply. If you survive the siege you have much to be proud of!

Use our hashtag to tell your friends about the race! #AttackTheCastle 

The packet pick-up location will be at Riverside Military Academy on Friday April 24th from 730am - 430pm. Follow the signs to Admissions Office/Lanier Hall. Registration on the day of the race will begin at 8am. You will find a map of campus and directions at

Each 5K/10K race participant will receive a dri-fit t-shirt and an official race water bottle, as well as a swag bag. 1 mile fun run participants will receive a dri-fit t-shirt only.

The one mile fun run will start once the 5K/10K finishes. Please arrive by 830am to register.

Event details and schedule:
When: April 25th, 2020 Race starts staggered starting at 9:00am

Where: Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville GA

Registration: Early registration April 24th from 7:30am – 4:30pm in the Admissions Office/Lanier Hall at Riverside Military Academy. Race Day registration starts at 8AM

Course: The 10K course is one of the toughest you will run. There will be changes in terrain including sand, rock and trail. Water will be available on the course. Timing provided by Athens Running Company.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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