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Horsin' Around for a Good Cause

Thu November 12 - Sun January 31 Savannah, GA 31416 US
Not just pony rides; improving lives...


Virtual run!  Join us for a 500 mile challenge on your bike!  500 miles of fun, leisure riding for a good cause.  Ride anywhere you like with anyone you wish or alone for some me-time.  Your ride is up to you!  The point is to spend quality time on your bike helping to raise funds for a good cause...and don't let that garage rot set in!  Miles spent riding in other runs can count if you like!

The challenge will run until January 31st and you can join at anytime and work toward your goal at your own pace!  Join in November for $5 off.  Discounts for families and seniors. (For the family discount you must click on Multi-Person pricing and choose Family isn't automatic) Military use this code for a discount: ThankYou

BONUS: get a cool patch for your jacket designed by one of the riders of Horsin' Around who will benefit from your participation.

You can post your miles on our leaderboard (by the honor system) or remain anonymous if you like. Join us on Facebook to share your pictures & motivate each other.

Proceeds from this challenge will go toward improving the lives of kids and adults through horseback riding and activities at Horsin' Around. Horsin' Around is a 501c3 non-profit operated entirely by volunteers so all money raised goes back into the program. There is a place for optional additional donations as well as the opportunity to fundraise in your name at checkout.  

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