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Vidalia Onion Run and Half Marathon

Sat April 26, 2025 Directions


Vidalia Onion Run Half Marathon

$75 7:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT Price increases after February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EST

5k Run/Walk

$40 7:15AM EDT - 8:15AM EDT Price increases after February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EST

1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

$20 8:00AM EDT - 8:30AM EDT Registration closes on February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EST and re-opens on March 1, 2025 at 12:00am EST


First Baptist Church Vidalia Parking Lot
107 E 2nd St.
Vidalia, GA US 30474


RACE DAY: APRIL 26th, 2025
7:00 a.m. Half Marathon
7:15 a.m. 5k Run and Walk
8:00 a.m. 1 mile Fun Run and Walk

Each registration will receive a commemorative 2025 Vidalia Onion Run and Half Marathon shirt. Shirts may vary from race to race. Any registration after April 18th is not guaranteed the chosen shirt size during registration. Shirts will be given on a first come, first serve basis for registrations after April 18th. 

All courses are posted on our registration website and the Vidalia Onion Run Facebook page (search @vidaliaonionrun).
The 5k and Half Marathon runners will receive a chipped bib for timing.
The 5k and Half Marathon courses will be marked with white paint, signs, and traffic cones. 
There is a 3.5 hour time limit for the half marathon course. 
Participants who register for the 5k may also run or walk the 1 Mile Fun Run and Walk for no additional fee. 
(5k and Half Marathon Courses ONLY)
One water and aid station will be available along the 5k course, around mile 2. A portajohn will also be available.
Four water and aid stations will be available along the half marathon course, around miles 2, 6, 8, and 10. Portajohns will be available around miles 6, 8, and 10, near the aid stations. 
Fruit and fluids will be provided at the finish line for all registered runners. Electrolyte beverages will be available for half marathon runners as well. 
⏱️ TIMERS ⏱️
Timers will be stationed along the 5k and Half Marathon courses.
The awards ceremony will begin around 8:30 a.m.
All half marathon finishers will receive a finisher medal.
School-age children who finish the 1 mile fun run and walk will receive a finisher ribbon.
Overall Awards will be given for the top three female and top 3 male runners in 1 mile fun run.
Overall Awards will be given for the top three female and male runners in the 5k and half marathon.
Awards for top three female and male runners in all age divisions in the 5k and half marathon.
Age Groups: 10 & under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, & 80 and Over.
We want to give away $700 on race day!
Do you have what it takes to break one of our course records? You could win…
$250 for a new half marathon record!
Half Marathon Records 
Male - 1:23:24, Orinthal Striggles, 2023 (pictured below)
Female - 1:37:46.75 Amanda Partee-manders, 2022
$100 for a new 5k record! 
5k records 
Male - 17:34, Clint Watkins, 2002
Female - 19:22, Kristen Arendt, 2018
Available for the 1 mile (ends at 7:45 a.m.) and the 5k (ends at 7:00 a.m.) races. No race day registration is available for the half marathon.
While we love our furry runners as much as you, we ask that they stay home on race day. No pets, even on a leash, will be allowed while running the course or in
the finish line area, except for service animals on a leash.

Disclaimer and Deadlines

👕 A 2025 commemorative race shirt is guaranteed ONLY if you register ONLINE BY April 18th.  For all registrations AFTER April 18th, t-shirt availability or sizes cannot be guaranteed and will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis.
💻 Online registration will stay open through Wednesday, April 23rd.
The Kiwanis Club of Vidalia, Inc., and the Vidalia Onion Run Committee reserves the right to exchange or substitute prizes or awards. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Early Packet Pickup Information

Early Packet Pickup

Friday, April 25th, 4:00-6:30 p.m. /// 101 E. 1st Street, downtown Vidalia 

On race day (April 26th), packets will be available for online registrations in the parking lot of at 101 E. 1st Street, Vidalia, GA, starting at 6:15 am. Race day registration will be available for the 5k and 1 mile races. NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION FOR THE HALF MARATHON!

All online registered runners who register BEFORE APRIL 18th will receive a commemorative t-shirt. Registrations after April 18th and Race Day registrants will receive a commemorative t-shirt, upon availability, first come, first serve. 

The Vidalia Onion Run is a fundraiser for the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia and a sanctioned event of the Vidalia Onion Festival. 

13.1 Information

Throughout the Vidalia Onion Run Half Marathon course, runners will experience the beauty and charm of the City of Vidalia.  The course will take runners through the historic sections of the city and the challenging hills around town.  Aid station will be available for all runners and upon finishing half marathoners will have earned a one of a kind Onion Run finishers medal.  

One Mile Information

Start & Finish Line Area


First Baptist Church Vidalia Parking Lot
107 E 2nd St.
Vidalia, GA US 30474


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