All Sponsors benefit from increased business/brand exposure by reaching a diverse audience with the option to provide samples, coupons, and flyers in the race packet. In addition, there will be verbal acknowledgment and social media mentions on all platforms before and during the event. When you select the Presenting sponsor level, your company's name will be visible in prominent areas, including all print and digital platforms, in the weeks leading up to and after the Glory Run. Additionally, your logo will be on the local FCA homepage and all social media platforms for one year. Glory Run attracts various South Florida participants, from casual walkers to athletic runners.
We've also included a way for your reach to extend beyond the Glory Run event. Your contribution will also provide athletes with a scholarship to attend an FCA Camp in the summer of 2024. So each recipient will know your generosity allowed them to be trained in their sport by current and former athletes, grow in community with their teammates, and, of course, have fun!
Review the Sponsorship Deck below. Make your selection today; space is limited. Contact tbarrett@fca.org for additional information.
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