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Grand Canyon Trail Half Marathon & 5k Run/Walk

Sat October 25, 2025 Grand Canyon Village, AZ 86023 US Directions

Schedule, Maps, Route Information and Race Day Details

Planned 2024 Weekend Schedule
Friday, November 1, 2024
4:30 - 6:00 pm Packet Pickup and Last-Minute Registration at IMAX Theater, 450 AZ-64, Tusayan, AZ 86023

Our team of volunteers will be on hand in the lobby to help you pick up your race materials, including your souvenir race number and your colorful, long-sleeved race shirt.  We'll also have a grab-bag of shirts and other souvenir items for sale.  
All those who register before October 13th will have their name printed on the race number. 


5:00 - 7:00 pm All-You-Can-Eat Pasta Dinner at IMAX, $15
YES: you can pick up for your friends and family; this is a small race, so no ID needed
YES: we have unisex and women's sizing in the t-shirt
YES: all shirts are first-come, first-served in terms of sizing
YES: Friday is a great time to snag your stuff so you don't have to worry on race morning!
NO: you cannot pick up your finisher's medal before finishing the race – you gotta’ do the race on Saturday!
Saturday, November 2, 2024 
7:00-8:30 am Packet Pickup and Race Check-in at IMAX Theater


7:30 am: Start Time #1:  Half Marathon Citizen's Early Start, at IMAX Parking Lot, North side, facing east
The "Citizens Early Start" is the primary start time for all runners and walkers who will NOT compete for prize money.
It is designed for all those who will take more than 2:30 to complete the race distance.
All Age Group awards are chip-timed.


8:00 am: Start Time #2:  Half Marathon Prize Money Start, at IMAX Parking Lot, North side, facing east
This is the start time if you are racing for prize money and those who expect to complete the half-marathon in under 2:30.
The prize money race is so-called "gun-timed" at the 8:00 am start, so all prize money recipients must start at 8:30 am. 
All Age Group Awards are chip-timed
8:30 am Start Time #3: 5k Fun Run/Walk Starts, at IMAX Parking Lot, North side, facing west
9:00 am Ongoing: post-race snacks courtesy at finish line and beer garden at IMAX.
Beer Garden Details -- thanks to Grand Canyon Brewery for donating their locally-made beer. All runners receive two free beer pours. Must have your race number -- we'll mark your race number for each pour. All other pours are $5 apiece.
11:30 am (or so) Half Marathon and 5k Awards at Finish Line
All Half Marathon prize money is gun-timed at the 8:30 am start, so all prize money recipients must start at 8:30 am.  All Half-Marathon Age-Group awards are based on chip-timing, combining the starts. 
All half marathoners need to be through mile 11.5 by 11:30 am.
Course closure times are tentative depending on weather and safety conditions.
Remember to start early if you're worried about the deadlines
12:30 pm: Approximate time for finish line to close, depending on conditions and requirements of TFD/Kaibab National Forest Forest
Beer garden begins to break down, closing of event site


Permits and insurance do not allow for dogs and other animals on the course.
While we appreciate the value of running with headphones, we request that you do not run with headphones on.
While we support adaptive athletics, the half marathon course is not suited for chair athletes.  
The 5k course has a paved section that is chair-capable, but the dirt road portion may be difficult to navigate for chair athletes.

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