Armstrong, IA US 50514
What is a pump & Run?? A pump & run is a run where the day before (July 1st 6:00 - 7:00 pm) the run, you bench press a certain percentage of your body weight for your age. You may also bench on the day of the race (July 2nd) from 7:00- 7:30 am. The amount of repetitions you can properly bench press, 30 seconds will be taken off of your 5k time. On Saturday July 2nd we will hold the 5k, you will run you 5k and then after you finish, we will then subtract the time off! Don't want to lift- no worries you can also run this event without lifting.
Register by June 13th for $25.00 - after June 14th through race day is $30.00.
Check in: Pre Registered participants on Friday (July 1st) can check in at the North Union High School (North side of school). Saturday (July 2nd) can check in at the North Union Track/Football Field from 7:00 - 7:45 to obtain packet, if you need to bench press on Saturday July 2nd, report there first.
Start: Races Start at finish At the North Union Track/Football Field at 8:00 am.
Course: The course is an out and back course along the highway/blacktop with minimal hills.
Toilet Facilities: Toilet Facilities available at the bus barn.
Weight to be benched:
Age % of body wt.
39 & Under 90%
40-49 80%
50—59 70%
60 & over 60%
Age % of body wt.
39 & under 60%
40 & over 50%
We will post the results in the Armstrong Journal and Ringsted Dispatch.
Proceeds benefit the North Union Cross Country & Track
Course Records:
Carson Kahler: 18:46 - 2021
Hannah Neusch: 21:14 - 2021
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