Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Marcus, IA US 51035
Place: Meet at Marcus City Park/Swimming Pool – East side of Marcus Fairgrounds
Events: 5k run/walk and 1 mile run/walk (there are no divisions for the walk and no awards given for the 1 mile event)
Times: Registration/check in: starts at 7:00 am, ends 7:55 am
5k run/walk starts at 8:00 am; 1-mile run/walk starts at 8:05 am
Entry Fee: Early registration on or before July 22 is $25 per individual or $20 per individual if registering more than one person.
Registration July 23 to the day of the event is $25 per person. Shirts are not guaranteed for NON-PRE-REGISTERED
runners. We will have a few extra but once they are gone, they are gone.
Fruit and water will be provided for all participants.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.