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Zombie Attack 2019 Run

Sat October 19, 2019 Vinton, IA 52349 US Directions


Zombie Attack 2019 Run 12 & Under

1:00PM CDT - 2:00PM CDT

Zombie Attack 2019 Run 13 & Up

4:00PM CDT - 6:00PM CDT


2113 57th Street Trail
Vinton, IA US 52349


Zombies will be taking over the Rodger's Park near Vinton, Iowa on October 19, 2019. Put on your running shoes for this spine tingling 1 mile run for ages 12 and under, registration begins at noon and run will start at 1 pm.  For the more advanced course for ages 13 and up, there is a 2.5 mile run with registration beginning at 3 and race for survival to begin at 4 pm.   Humans will run for their lives encountering zombies along the way of the infected trail who will be trying to steal their human organs (also known as flags, from the flag football belts).  To survive, humans must finish the race with one vital organ (flag) remaining.  For those who have lost all of their organs before the finish of the race, will be considered infected. Registration fee for the 12 and under race is $15 and includes a medal, drink and goodies to eat.  Registration fee for the 13 and up race is $30 and includes a race t-shirt, medal and refreshments.  Registrations will be accepted up to start of the races, however, shirts will not be guaranteed if registered after Octboer 14th.  You can sign up to be a human or a zombie, but spots are limited for zombies.  Zombies will have the choice of showing up with their own make up and attire, or for a fee of $10, we will do the transformation for you.  Full set of rules will be supplied at the race.  Net proceeds will be benefiting the VS After Prom festivities.  This event will take place rain or shine.  No refunds.  This is a run for survival, not a timed race.

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