WIINing Warriors Flock Walk
Boise, ID US 83706
Come join Albertsons WIINing Warriors and their partnership with Flock Cancer Idaho, a nonprofit organization that promotes awareness about breast cancer and focuses on fundraising for breast cancer fighters, survivors, families, and programs, at this year’s Warriors Flock Walk.
Breast cancer affects millions of warriors lives of close to us…both women and men. Yet, taking a simple step to get a mammogram and understand the importance of early detection can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer and save lives. By supporting the Warriors Flock Walk, your donation, sponsorship, or contribution will play a vital role in ensuring more people have access to mammograms, local support groups and educational programs that can help squish the fear that cancer brings.
Donate today or sign up your own #WarriorsFlockCancer team. Thank you for your support and remember, Albertsons WIINing Warriors are proud to wear pink!
The walk will start and end on the back patio of the Corporate Office.
Walk Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Walk, click the button below.