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Irish for a Day 5k

Sat March 8, 2014 Meridian, ID 83642 US Directions


Irish for a Day 5k

10:00AM MST


Fuller Park, 3761 W Park Creek D
Meridian, ID US 83642


Irish for a Day 5K Fun Run/Walk/Stroll
March 8th, 2014 Fuller Park, Meridian
8:45- 9:45 registration

10:00 AM Start time  

$15 Entry (Groups of 4 or more discounted to $10 entry)

Children 7 and under FREE Pre-registration available online (service charges apply)

100% of proceeds goes to sending Dehra McFadden on a mission trip to Ireland with YCEW.  

Krispy Kreme Challenge!!!
Down 4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a cup of "Irish rootbeer" 1/2 through your race and be the 1st to the finish line to win 2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts to take home!!

Limited tickets available. Additional $5/entry.

More info at

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