Race Website
Additional race information can be found at https://www.ciclinks-blackkare.info/.
Join the Central Illinois Chapter of The Links, Incorporated and the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated for our FREE virtual race for Black K.A.R.E (Kidney Awareness Resources and Education) April 2-10, 2022.
Record Your Accomplishment!
After you finish your activity goal, you can make yourself completed here:. You have until April 10th.
Did you know that creating healthy habits will help you establish the lifestyle needed to decrease the chances of developing chronic kidney disease? For nine days, April 2-10, 2022, YOU choose your distance, time, and location for a flexible way to get out and get moving, while remaining safe. Sign up and do something enjoyable while continuing to support Black K.A.R.E.
Encourage friends and family to sign up and participate too!
Goal Options:
• Step Count: 4,000 - 7,000 steps/day
• Time: 15-30 minutes/day of activity (walk or run)
• Distance: Walk or run 1 mile every 3 days (3 miles)
• Increase your current activity level
• Smart phone/smart watch
• Strava
• Self-reported
• Step counter
The first 100 registrants receive a medal and a FREE packet of goodies!
Packets can be picked up on Saturday, April 2, 2022 between 10am - 2pm at the Western Avenue Center located at 600 N. Western Ave. in Bloomington.
Learn more about chronic kidney disease prevention, including the benefits of being physically active, when you check out The Black K.A.R.E. Program. https://www.ciclinks-blackkare.info
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.