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Shamrocks Group - Honoring Those Who Served Virtual Run - 5k/10k/Half Marathon

Sat November 14 - Sun November 15 Chicago, IL 60290 US Directions


Any location, Any Town
Chicago, IL US 60290


What: Honoring Those Who Served Virtual Run - 5k/10k/Half Marathon

When: Saturday, November 7th, 2015 - Sunday, November 15th, 2015

Where: Anywhere & Everywhere! You can map your own course and you choose where you want to run/walk.

Who: All ages and all abilities. Walkers are welcome!

Cost: $25 – Early Registration will close on Wednesday, October 15th 2015 at 11pm EST. Registration after October 15th, 2015 will be $30.


About this Virtual Run

Help us show support and appreciation for our Veterans by participating in The Honoring Those Who Served Virtual Run in celebration of Veterans Day.

This is a virtual race, so run/walk/bike/hike/crawl where ever you are whenever you can. You can even complete this race on the treadmill.

Every runner will receive a 3.5" SPINNER Honoring Those Who Served Virtual Run.


Important Dates to Remember

Optional Premium Bibs and Optional T-shirts: Mailed on October 28th
A premium bib is a 9x6 personalized bib that is printed on bib paper and mailed to you. Premium Bibs are available for an additional $5. Last day to order a premium bib is September 30th

Regular Bibs: Emailed on Wednesday, November 4th.

Medals will ship during the week of November 9th


About the charity

Bob Woodruff Foundation

The Bob Woodruff Foundation is dedicated to ensuring injured service members, veterans and their families are thriving long after they return home. They fund innovative programs in communities where veterans, their families and caregivers live and work.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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