1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL US 60022
Fun-filled 5k or 1k Family Walk/Run to benefit Melanoma Research at Hadassah Medical Organization. This year's event includes festive music, scavenger hunt, kids super hero walk*, JCC Chicago stretching and chair yoga for non-walkers, and more!! Free all-day parking for the Chicago Botanic Garden (a $30 value).
*Kids, come dressed as your favorite super hero!
Pre-register by June 16th to get your free hat. Walk-In Registration will be available.
7:30AM – Registration
8:30AM – 5K Run/Walk
7:30-11:00AM – Activities
Registration Fees:
$36 Adult Registration
$18 Young Adult (13-17) Registration
Children 12 & Under Free
Race Contact Info
From Stage-Four Melanoma to Cancer-Free, Thanks to Hadassah
"Doctors in Florida who pronounced me ‘soon-dead’ can't believe that I'm healthy today,” said Hadassah melanoma patient Stewart Greenberg. Standing with his wife, Maggie, in front of the famous statue of Hadassah’s founder, Henrietta Szold, who asked that her eyes “look to the future,” Mr. Greenberg is enjoying his future thanks to treatment at the Hadassah Medical Center in 2012 when he was diagnosed with stage four melanoma. Although medical centers in the United States could offer him no hope, Hadassah’s Dr. Michal Lotem, head of the Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy, successfully treated him with her individually tailored melanoma vaccine.
Mr. Greenberg was back at Hadassah for his 10-month follow-up treatment. "It was bashert (fated) that I should meet Dr. Michal Lotem," he said. Thank you, Hadassah."
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.