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5K Leap for the Kids

Sun October 6, 2019 Highland, IL 62249 US Directions



8:00AM CDT


The Olde Wick's Factory
1100 5th Street
Highland, IL US 62249


Runners of all skill levels are encouraged to show up in style (fashion-themed run) to raise awareness for childhood cancer during our 1st ever 5K. All proceeds benefit Leaps of Love.

Early Packet Pickup - 10/5/19, 6-8:00 p.m., 1100 5th Street, Highland, IL 62249
Race Day Packet Pickup - 10/6/19, 6:30 a.m., 1100 5th Street, Highland, IL 62249

Awards - Overall Male and Female, Top Male and Top Female in age categories: 1-9, and 5-year groups ages 10+. Awards must be accepted during the awards ceremony.

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