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6 Leg Marathon (formerly known as TNAM)

Thu May 11 - Sat June 10 Hudson, IL 61748 US Directions


17485 E 2500 North Rd N
Hudson, IL US 61748


Run a marathon, but take your time!

LRC’s 6 Leg Marathon offers a chance to finish a MARATHON in just 8 weeks.
The 6 Leg Marathon starts May 11, and continues until June 29 th . That’s right, you have 8 weeks to complete
a marathon – perhaps the longest time limit to finish of any marathon. Plus it may be the most FUN ever and
is almost certainly the EASIEST marathon ever. Plus, it’s a great way to train for the LR Park to Park 5 Mile
The 4.37 mile course from the Lake Run is an accurate 1/6 th of a marathon. Over the 8 weeks, this beautiful
course will transform from it’s blush of spring to a show of summer’s best.
To participate, just join us at Lake Bloomington on Thursday nights, at 5:30 PM and run the 4.37 mile course
on 6 of the available 8 evenings. Or, if it’s more convenient for you, you can run whenever you can and self-
report your fishing time for each required run. Complete 6 runs and you’ll be a 6 Leg Marathon Finisher!!
And as a BONUS, if you ran the shorter course at the Lake Run, your finishing time counts as one of the 6
required runs for The 6 Leg Marathon!
The Cost for this marathon is just $15. That’s less than you would expect to pay for a 5K! Don’t want a shirt?
Then this is a FREE Marathon, compliments of THE LAKE RUN CLUB!
If you want the shirt, just complete all six of required runs and you’ll get a magnificent technical
6 Leg Marathon Finisher Shirt. Great for running in hot weather – or wearing to that Fourth of July party, as
you casually mention you just finished running a MARATHON!

After each Thursday run at Lake Bloomington, we usual socialize. With the recent terrible loss of our favorite establishment we won't be able to do that, but that won't stop us from getting together and reminiscing.   Thirsty Thursdays and other group events will be posted as we go. 

Questions??    Call Kirby at  533-8689 (if no answer, leave a message  – we’ll get back to you!)  Or e-mail to

4.37 Mile Run Options: 
In-person: Thursday evenings at 5:30pm at Lake Bloomington - May 11-June 29

Virtual: run your 4.37 mile course of choice any time during the week. Make sure to time yourself and then record at the link provided at registration. 

Signup Info
Cost: $15 for finisher t-shirt - that's just 50 cents a mile!
Free for no t-shirt option 

Submitting Your Result
Yes, you can submit the times for your 6 runs online!  To submit your times, click here:
6 Leg Marathon Tracking on Google Sheets

Questions?  Contact...
Jill at or Kirby at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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