Race Website
Additional race information can be found at http://www.peoriasuperhero.com/.
Peoria, IL US 61602
What: Join us along the beautiful Peoria Riverfront as we "run, walk or fly" in our best superhero costumes! Everyone is invited to participate in the 5K and immediately following the 5K, the younger suerheroes will help us catch the bad guy by running in our Villain Chase- a half-mile trek to capture the villain and restore justice!
When: October 10th, 2015- 1:00PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Race along the Peoria Riverfront- Race registration and after-party in Festival Park.
Why: To benefit the Heart of Illinios United Way- because when we help our community, there's a superhero in all of us!
Race Contact Info
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