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Salem Relay For Life Monster Mash Dash 5K

Sat October 20, 2018 Salem, IL 62881 US Directions


Bryan Memorial Park Nature Trail - North of Salem Township Hospital
Salem, IL US 62881


The Monster Mash Dash 5K is sponsored by the Salem, IL Relay For Life Committee for those who love a good fall run through the woods.
This 5K race is being held at the Salem Bryan Park Nature Trail, the site of many previous 5K races.
Dress in a Halloween costume for fun, if you would like! But, make it family friendly as we'll have runners and walkers of all ages!
All proceeds will go toward the 2019 Salem Relay For Life event total. 

Register by 8am on Monday, October 15 to be guaranteed to receive the T-Shirt!
5K registration fee is $25 for runners or walkers age 13 and up
5K registration fee is $20 for runners or walkers age 12 and under

Registration opens at 8am
Race begins at 9am, right after a short Opening Ceremony

Timing by Geff Purcell, Trifecta Timing

Medals awarded to Top 3 Male & Female Runners
12 & under
Medals awarded to Top 10 Male & Top 10 Female Walkers



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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