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Sat September 18 - Sat September 25 ANYWHERE, IN 46360 US



Wherever You Want


A Virtual 5K Wherever You Want:

Run or walk as we celebrate National Public Lands Day - a day of promoting enjoyment and stewardship of our public lands! This virtual 5K is a great way to give back to our Indiana Dunes National Park while enjoying a 5K course of your choosing on one of your favorite trails. Funds raised will be used to support Save the Dunes' conservation and advocacy work to enhance and protect the Indiana Dunes National Park.

Completion Timeframe: September 18 – September 25, 2021.

Dunes Dash In-Person & Virtual 5K Participants Receive:

♥ Commemorative T-Shirt (Must register by NOON Central September 3, 2021)
♥ Downloadable Race Bib (Your unique number and Bib can be found under your RunsignUp Profile - Upcoming Events)

Dunes Dash Virtual 5K participants who registered on or before September 3 are encouraged to pick up their commemorative t-shirt at our office (444 Barker Road in Michigan City) Monday - Thursday, Sept. 20 - 23, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Central. After this time, t-shirts will be mailed directly to the physical address submitted on the event registration. 

Embrace Northwest Indiana's Public Lands! 
Share your Dash experience at #dunesdash and 
#NPLD #PublicLandsDay #IndianaDunes


About Public Lands Day 2021:

National Public Lands Day is celebrated annually at public lands across the country on the fourth Saturday of September. It is a day where outdoor enthusiasts are encouraged to visit parks and other special public places to celebrate their beauty. It is also a day to give back through volunteerism. When you sign up for the Dash, you know that you are helping raise critical funds to support the enhancement and preservation of the Indiana Dunes National Park through Save the Dunes' conservation and advocacy work. So, lace up your shoes and celebrate our public lands Save the Dunes style!


Save the Dunes protects and advocates for the Indiana dunes, Lake Michigan,
and the surrounding natural areas for the betterment of the environment
and the people who live, work and recreate in Northwest Indiana. 

Our programming takes a holistic approach to protect the Indiana dunes and Lake Michigan ecosystems. These programs are Land & Water Conservation, Environmental Advocacy, and Community Engagement.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


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