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Elementary 1 Mile Cross Country Championship-

Fri September 16, 2016 Columbia City, IN 46725 US Directions


K-2 boys and girls

5:30PM EDT - 5:50PM EDT

3rd grade girls

5:50PM EDT - 6:10PM EDT

3rd grade boys

6:10PM EDT - 6:30PM EDT

4th grade girls

6:30PM EDT - 6:50PM EDT

4th grade boys

6:50PM EDT - 7:10PM EDT

5th grade girls

7:10PM EDT - 7:30PM EDT

5th grade boys

7:30PM EDT - 7:50PM EDT


Indian Springs Middle School
1692 South State Road 9
Columbia City, IN US 46725


One Mile on grass. Chip Timing. 7 races; K-2 boys and girls, 3rd grade girls, 3rd grade boys, 4th grade girls, 4th grade boys, 5th grade girls, 5th grade boys. Trophies top 5 in each race, Ribbons 6th-15th, participation ribbons to all.

Team awards; same grade-same gender-same school. (5 runners to score)

First race begins at 5:30pm(in the order above) as soon as one race is off the start line, the next race will report to the start line.


Race swag and healthy post race food for all participants

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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