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Crown Point Swim Club Triathlon

Sat September 28, 2013 Crown Point, IN 46307 US Directions


Kids Tri

10:30AM CDT

Adult Tri

9:00AM CDT

Team Relay

9:00AM CDT


1500 South Main St
Crown Point, IN US 46307


Kids (Age 6 - 13)

$40 until September 7, 2013

$50 from September 8, 2013 to September 27, 2013 adults (14 and over)

$60 until September 7, 2013

$70 from September 8, 2013  to September 27, 2013 


$80 until September 7, 2013

$90 from September 8, 2013 to September 27, 2013

Crown Point Swim Club is proud to host our inaugural triathlon. This Sprint Triathlon is a perfect introduction race into the world of triathlon. Compete as an individual or as a team. Families are encouraged to participate together. Come have fun and support the Crown Point Swim Club. 

Sprint race starts at 9am, Transition opens at 7:30am

Kids race starts at 10:30am or when the last Sprint racer is off the bike course

Swim, Bike & Run

6 yr old - 9 yr old  - 50 yard swim, 2 mile bike, 500 yard run
10 yr old - 13 yr old  - 150 yards swim, 4 mile bike, 1 mile run

14 yr old & Up Sprint - 400 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run

Relay  - 400 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run


Kids:  6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13

Sprint:  14-16 17-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80+

Packet/Shirt Pick-up:  Friday, September 27th from 5pm–8pm or Saturday, September 28th from 7:30am–8:30am at Crown Point High
School Wellness Center.

Pool: 8 lane 25 yard.

Pre-Race Meeting: All Sprint & Kids race participants must attend the pre-race meeting at 8:45am in the transition area 

Transition area: Located in the Crown Point High School west parking lot.

Teams: Teams may consist of 2–3 members. Timing chip will be exchanged in transition area. Limit of 15 teams.

Timing/Results: Chip timing and results by T&H Timing.

Swim: 400 yard swim in Crown Point High School pool. Each athlete swims down and back in each lane. Send off will be 10 seconds apart and based on self reported 100 yard time.

Bike: 12 miles. Roads will be open to limited local traffic and monitored by city and county officials.

Run: 3.1 miles. Course maps will be available on-line and during packet pick-up.

Cancellation/Refund:  There is a no-refund policy for the Crown Point Swim Club Triathlon. Race is rain or shine unless determined race conditions are dangerous. 


Post race awards, food and music will be provided after the race.

All proceeds benefit The Crown Point Swim Club

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