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Run For CSC

Fri August 6 - Fri August 13 Indianapolis, IN 46268 US


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


5150 W 71st St
Indianapolis, IN US 46268


Cancer Support Community of Central Indiana (CSC) is celebrating 25 years of leading the change in Indiana to build a vibrant community of cancer survivors and their loved ones. We focus on providing psychosocial support to complement medical treatments in order to nurture every part of a patient as they learn and grow and recover. With any cancer diagnosis come feelings of hopelessness and social isolation. It’s CSC’s goal to make sure cancer patients don’t have to go through it alone. By showing your love and support by participating and donating to our race, you are helping CSC to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.

When you sign up for the race, you are able to complete it at your own pace between the dates of August 6th-August 13th. You may complete it anywhere you chose since it is a virtual 5k! You can walk around your neighborhood, go for a jog downtown, or maybe even complete this race on a vacation! It is entirely up to you where you will complete this race. Track your time by using an app of your choosing, such as "Map My Run," "Runkeeper," "Nike Run Club," or any app or tracking device you may chose to track your time and pace for this race. You may walk or choose to run, it is up to you! Once you have completed the race, you will come back to the website and track your time record onto the website to see where you are on the leaderboard. 

If you raise $25 or above, you will be receiving a Cancer Support Community Central Indiana T-Shirt. 

Thank you so much for participating!


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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