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Penn CC Alumni & Kyle Rzepka Memorial 5K

Sat August 7, 2021 Mishawaka, IN 46544 US Directions


Penn CC Alumni & Kyle Rzepka Memorial 5K

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


59400 Elm Road
Mishawaka, IN US 46544


Thanks for your interest in participating in the first Penn CC Alumni 5k at Elm Road Elementary School on Saturday, August 07, 2021 .  An event like this has been talked about in the past and with the sudden loss of Penn CC Alumni runner, Kyle Rzepka, in 2019 ( it was our goal to have an official alumni run in 2020 to tribute his impact on the Penn CC family and program.  With the pandemic the run was put on hold.  With the permission from legendary Penn CC Coach Tom Miller, or as some of us would yell- T...Mill...errrr, we are looking forward to the opportunity for any and all Penn CC Alumni and their family along with all friends and family of Kyle Rzepka to come run the Boys 5K course from the era of late '90s-early 00's at Elm Road.  This event is FREE. Due to the event being FREE there will be no t-shirts, medals, or official time clock.  If you would like to donate to The Living Donor Liver Transplant Program at the University of Illinois in memory of Kyle Rzepka here is a link.  (

If there is an interest in a 1 Mile Fun Run for Families to Participate in with Children and others who aren't in 5k condition I would be happy to set up the Hokum Karem 1 Mile course too!  

If you are like me (Bruce Faltynski Penn CC Alumni '97-'00) and going on 20 years removed from my Penn CC glory days and not in in the condition to walk/run 5k or 1 Mile check out this.  If you aren't able to run or walk, still come out to hangout with fellow Penn CC Alumni and share stories and memories with one another!

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