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The North Manchester Public Library VIRTUAL Fantastic Fun Run

Sat August 1 - Sat August 8 North Manchester, IN 46962 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


405 N Market Street
North Manchester, IN US 46962


The North Manchester Public Library presents the annual Fantastic Fun Run for our community. Plan on joining us for a fun-filled family event that supports the library! Run, walk, skip, jump, stroll... all forms of participation are welcome! The Fantastic Fun Run is a color run, so wear white to enjoy the full color run experience. All proceeds of this event go to the North Manchester Public Library to enhance the programs and resources that the library offers to the community. All participants will receive a Fun Run t shirt and an envelope of colored powder!

  • Children 4 and under: FREE 
  • Ages 5-17: $10.00
  • Ages: 18 and up: $20.00

Because this is a virtual run, all supplies should be picked up from the library between July 27th and July 31st

Race Contact Info

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