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16th Annual Turkey Trot - Portage Township YMCA

Thu November 24, 2016 Portage, IN 46368 US Directions



3100 Willowcreek Rd.
Portage, IN US 46368


It's been 16 years in Portage!!!

Turkey Trot is an exciting and competitive 4 mile, professionally-timed race offered on Thanksgiving morning. This is fun for the WHOLE family with a 1k Kids Fun Run offered before the competitive race begins. Also, a non-competitive 5k walk/run will be held that morning. Keep coming back to our page for updates as we're getting all the details together!

7am - Race Day Registration/Check-In
7:45am - Kids 1k Fun Run (for children 7 years old and younger)
8:00am - 4 Mile Competitive Race Starts followed by 5k Walk/Run participants
9:15am - Race Awards by Age Category for the Competitive 4 Mile Race

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Race Website

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