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Social Distancing Half Marathon - South Bend, IN

Sun April 26, 2020 South Bend, IN 46601 US


South Bend, IN US 46601


The Details: Maximum of 50 runners total. Bring your own water and nutrition. The route will be 3 loops of a relatively flat course through sidewalks and little-trafficked streets (with no lights). There may or may not be a bathroom available with a minor course detour. Since this is an unsanctioned “race,” the course will NOT be closed and the exact route will be emailed to you once registered. Please only sign up if you expect to finish within 3 hours. 
The Social Distancing: You are advised to warm up on your own in a socially distant manner - the start line area will have sufficient wide open space for you to space out your parking and to warm up solo. 
The plan is to do single person wave starts every 15 seconds by bib number. Someone will be there at the start to call out the bib number every 15 seconds. First runner starts at 7:30, all runners will have started by 7:43 am. 
Prizes: Top 2 male & female overall: a full size canister of Lysol wipes, possibly something else too. To a random bib number drawn at end from the finishers: a pair of blue Fever Dream (get it?) Goodr sunglasses and a travel sized Purell. 
Important: Safety Not Guaranteed. This is a loosely-timed fun run with dumb prizes. There is no med tent or anything like that if you sprain your ankle. If you are worried about getting sick, don’t show up. If you are injured, don’t show up. If you are sick, don’t show up...this is a timed fun run, it’s not actually important. And you’ll still get your free stuff if you want it - just send me your Strava of your re-do on whatever your race day you choose and I’ll mail you your loot. 

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I want to run a half at 7:30, but not at the location because it would not be responsible for me to do that? I respect that and did get some extra stuff - just let me know by sending me a message via this page with your name and email and that you want to do this race virtually, I can register you as virtual race participant (still free). You will still get a participant ribbon and a piece of the swag.   
Will there be portapotties? No, a police station that you will be near-ish has a bathroom which I assume (but cannot guarantee) will still be open at this time.
Will there be water stops? No, that’s a great way to spread viruses, Todd. Bring your drink of preference and please don’t litter. 
Will I get a medal? I love you guys so much that I was willing to spend several pennies on each of you. In other words: No. Turns out cool medals are actually quite expensive and I wanted to make sure this race remained free. Also this is a loosely organized “race” put on by a couple of volunteers who have no idea what they are doing, so you shouldn’t pay for it anyway. But you will get some customized, unique race swag that you can show your grandkids someday as you brag about your pandemic race feat. 
Will this be chip timed? Are you kidding? Do you think we are good at this? It will be stopwatch timed by a human based on bib number. (Expect a delay at the end in announcing finish times as we then struggle to subtract 15 seconds a bunch of times. Reminder: the race is free!) 
Will I get a shirt? Maybe? Potentially working on an (optional) affordable shirt  that has both a cool design and isn’t a garbage-quality t-shirt. 
What if we are all not allowed to leave our neighborhoods on April 26? It will become a virtual race with Garmin/Strava times in which case we’ll still do top 2 male/female but the most unique course or conditions will get the Goodr/Purell. 

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