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First Annual Randolph County 5K Challenge

Sat September 18, 2021 Winchester, IN 47394 US Directions



700 N Union Street
Winchester, IN US 47394


Join us for the first race in the inaugural Randolph County 5K Challenge!

Superhero 5K and Fun Run 

When: Saturday, September 18th at 9am (Sign-in and Registration open at 8am) 

Where: Goodrich Park, 700 N Union Street, Winchester IN

Pre-Registration Cost: $20 

Day Of Registration Cost: $25 

Awards and Prizes: 
- Awards to top three overall male and female
- Awards to top three male and female finishers in each age division 
- Prizes will be given out for the "Best Superhero Costume" in each age group. 

Other Information: 
- Only those participants who pre-register by 9/10/2021 at guaranteed to receive a race shirt in their preferred size. A limited supply of race day t-shirts may be available on a "while supplies last" basis for participants who register the morning of the race. 
- Refunds only provided if the race is officially canceled by the Children's Advocacy Center of Randolph County. 

**Please visit for full Challenge and scoring details.** 





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