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CEF Beautiful Feet 2020 Virtual Edition

Wed July 1 - Fri July 10 Your town, IN 00000 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Wherever you choose!
Your town, IN US 00000


CEF Beautiful Feet 5k and 1 Mile Virtual Edition

This year's Beautiful Feet event is going virtual. Let's come together as a community for the sake of the Kingdom!


Here is how it works...

Step 1.

Register to run/walk the virtual 5k or 1 mile, and invite your friends to join!


Step 2.

Run/walk the distance on your own either in your community, your favorite trail or around a public elementary school near you, covering the school, administration and children in prayer as you walk.


Step 3.

If you would like, you can submit your time to be added to the Beautiful Feet 2020 results leader board and post a picture of your run/walk to Facebook or Instagram using #CEFbeautifulfeet2020.

Step 4.

Please pray for CEF Good News Club ministry in Central Indiana.


2020 T-shirts will be available on July 24th for pickup or delivery based on your preferences indicated in your registration.

The 4th annual Beautiful Feet 5k and 1 Mile benefits the ministries of CEF of Indiana, Inc.- Central Indiana Chapter. CEF partners with local churches to provide a free program called Good News Club in public elementary schools right after school. Your support helps fund the work of reaching children in Central Indiana with the Good News.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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