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Totem to Totem Half Marathon

Sun May 4, 2025 Ketchikan, AK 99901 US
Countdown to Race Day


Totem to Totem Half Marathon

$60 9:00AM AKDT - 2:30PM AKDT Registration Opens March 24, 2025 at 12:00am AKDT


3507 S Tongass Hwy
Ketchikan, AK US 99901


**3/2/25 -  Due to the unknown status of the Tongass Ave construction projects, we are delaying registration until we have an alternate route planned. If we are able to have an alternate route approved, we will open registration. Stay tuned for an announcement in the next couple of weeks.

thanks for understanding! 
- KRC**


The long, mountainous, and forested shoreline of the Tongass Narrows waterway is the setting for the annual springtime running of Ketchikan’s Totem to Totem Half Marathon, a 13.1-mile race that takes runners along a point-to-point course that starts at Rotary Beach Park, just southeast of the Saxman community.

The race takes runners north along Tongass Avenue for the next 13.1 miles, all the way to the finish line in Totem Bight State Historical Park, just northeast of the city.

All along the way, runners can expect to catch ample glimpses of one of the local features for which the area is well-known — totem poles, which they will see most prominently around the starting area at near Saxman Village and the Totem Bight State Park as they near the finish line.

The race takes runners along beautiful vistas with tree-covered mountains along the Tongass Highway, where runners can expect to see local wildlife as well as boats streaming along the water in the narrows all along the race route.

The event is open to both runners and walkers and usually features a smaller field of participants, as the race usually sees between 100 and 200 runners and walkers cross the finish line.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



**3/2/25 - Due to the unknown stages of the Tongass Ave construction projects, Totem to Totem Half Marathon registration will be delayed until mid March. We are working on an alternate route, if possible. We will have more details in a couple of weeks. 




  • Race Date: Sunday 5/04/25
  • Registration Deadline: Online registration closes on 5/01/25 at 11:59 p.m.  In person registration TBA
  • Packet Pickup: TBA
  • Start Time: 9:00 AM for All Participants

Registration for the half marathon is $60; KRC annual members receive a $10 discount 






The Asylum will also be at the finish line with a beer garden, use your bib tag marked for DRINK TICKET to redeem your choice of drafts- available for participants 21+ years of age.  Available to spectators (21+) for purchase.

For ALL participants there will be plenty of water, Gatorade, Green Bean coffee, chocolate milk, etc. along with fruit and other replenishing snacks available at the finish line snack table.  

Race Morning


The staging area is located at the north parking lot at Rotary Beach. Bathrooms are available in the south parking lot and portable restrooms in the north lot. Parking is limited, please carpool or use public transit if you are able to. 

KRC Volunteers will be on hand at the start to answer questions and help take care of last-minute needs. Snacks and beverages will be available. 

Opening ceremony will begin at 8:50am.  

Walkers and Runners will begin at the same time at 9:00am. Walkers please stage at the back of the starting corral toward the south parking lot, runners near the front; quickest paces at the starting line.    



Located near the southernmost tip of Alaska in the state’s southeastern corner, overlooking the mountains of the Clarence Strait, Ketchikan typically experiences cool, sometimes cold and often rainy weather in May, which has brought record temperatures here as low as 23ºF (in 1971) and as high as 87ºF (in 1963).

On race day (May 4th), the average low is 39ºF and the average high is 53ºF.





Relay handoff points will be at the aid stations of the relay team's choice.


Please stay on the water side of the side walk/path or the shoulder of the highway at all times in order to ensure your safety. Absolutely NO dogs on the course.  Strollers are also a safety concern.  


Every aid station on the course will be supplied with a first-aid kit. If you are in need of any of these items, simply stop and ask the volunteers at the aid station and they will be able to help you.

Extra Ambulance service will be on duty race day to respond quickly in case of medical emergency.  If you see someone in need of medical care, please dial 9-1-1.


Spectators are WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED along the route and at the race start and finish. 

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.



Because of limited parking at the finish line, participants are encouraged to carpool and/or use the City Bus.  

Pay attention to the areas marked for NO PARKING.  The cones and tape mark off areas where no parking is allowed to ensure safety when busses, cars and runners are sharing the road.  

Please look at the map below- NO PARKING is marked in orange -  CITY BUS PICKUP is marked with a yellow X

City Bus

The City Bus has agreed to waive fares to the start line and from the finish line for participants showing their race bib. The Silver Line arrives at Totem Bite bus stop 13 minutes past the hour, every hour. The last pick up is at 6:10PM.  



MapMyRun Map

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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