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WFM Frisco "Run for the Planet" Whole Planet Foundation Virtual 5k/10k

Wed June 16 - Mon July 5 Frisco, CO 80443 US Directions



261 Lusher Ct
Frisco, CO US 80443


Whole Foods Market Frisco is hosting it's first ever Virtual 5K/10K to help support Whole Planet Foundation! What is Whole Planet?

Whole Planet Foundation (WPF) is a manifestation of Whole Foods Market’s (WFM) core value; “We serve and support our local and global communities.” Whole Planet Foundation’s mission is to empower the world’s poorest people with microcredit, giving them a chance to create or expand a home-based business to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. WPF alleviates poverty around the globe by funding small loans, called microcredit, usually under $200, to impoverished entrepreneurs in countries that supply WFM stores with product. We focus on women as they traditionally have the least access to financial services and tend to use their profits to feed and educate their children, lifting up the entire community.

Current Fast facts about Whole Planet Foundation:
• WPF has funded microcredit (small loans) in 78 countries
• WPF has funded microcredit in 20 US cities
• The average first loan that WPF funds through microlending partners is $174
• 93% of the loans are repaid to our microlending partners
• 89% of the loans are to women
• WPF has supported more than 26 million opportunities for entrepreneurs and their families

Sign-up through July 3rd, and complete your virtual 5K/10K ANYTIME, ANYWAY, ANYWHERE by July 5th at 11:59:59 am. 

-This means you can: Run, Bike, Swim, Hike, Skip, Trot, Fly, etc.

-Can't do it in (1) day? Do a .25K a day and do it in (3) weeks! [Signing up early has it's perks]

-Record your results on your Running App of choice and submit to []. The Top 3 finishers Male and Female will receive prizes.

-Visit WFM Frisco from 6/18/21 through 7/4/21 to pick-up your race entrant race pack! Includes a personalized BIB, pre- and post-workout goodies, and a race T-Shirt if selected by the entrant.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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