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Chicago HBCU Alumni Alliance 5K Run/Walk

Sat June 26, 2021 Chicago, IL 60637 US Directions


We are excited to announce our 1st Chicago HBCU 5K Run/Walk! Your generosity through sponsorships, registrations and donations will directly help support our Chicago students along with our members of  HBCUs in the midst of all of the challenges we faced as a nation in 2020.

This virtual experience will be like no other from our individual love to assist those in aspiring students in need, to the passion for our beloved institutions, to our competitive nature and drive to be the best. The later has brought about a friendly challenge with our HBCU Alliance communities in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. Our entire team is ready to assist you and truly humbled by your support of our mission and commitment to the students we serve - our future leaders. It is because of individuals and corporations like you that we are able to flourish, sustain and continue building indelible legacies for many generations to come.

How to participate HBCU 5K Run/Walk VIRTUALLY

Run or walk a 5k on the treadmill, around your neighborhood, your favorite walking trail or park, even your own backyard anytime between Saturday, June 19th and Saturday, June 26 . Registration will close on Saturday, June 26th.

Once you have completed the race, you may be able to upload your results as soon as you have completed the race (Strava, Runkeeper, iWatch, Treadmill or any tracking app you use).

We are excited about the Chicago HBCU 5K Run/Walk for the purpose of bringing all member HBCU Alumni Chapters together to raise funds to support our students.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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