North Vernon, IN US 47265
Run/Walk For God 5K - Jennings County, IN
The event format is a 5K walk/run and a 1-mile "fun race" based on the program created by Run For God; more info at
The program begins with a 12-week bible study from the Run For God program. You are not required to participate in the study to participate in the race.
We are teaching from 3rd edition study books, which can be purchased online at for $21.99. Message here if you want us to secure a book for you.
We will begin the program Monday April 6th 6:30pm with our bible study, and conclude the evening with a group training walk/run based on a beginner-level pace at @ NV City Park shelter #1 (bad weather location at NV FBC or instructor's home church and training sessions @ JCMS indoor track). The program encourages 3 training sessions per week; they can be done on your own, or we will post group training session on our Facebook page.
The 5K Run/Walk event will be held on July 6th. Registration begins at starting @ 8:00am and race begins @ 9:00am, and begins/concludes in front of the Wayside Inn Shelter. Route will be in the NV City Park area. Race format will be a manually timed event with an "air horn" start.
Cost: $20/person for early registration from start of study until June 3rd (includes race entry +finishing medal + study)
$25/person, $40/couple from May 25th until day of race - strollers free
*** Proceeds to benefit Wayside Inn Shelter ***
Message us if you want to help!
Look forward to you all being a part of this!!!
The JC RFG Team
Hebrews 12:1 (ESV)
Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Run/Walk For God 5K - Jennings County, IN
The 5K Run/Walk event will be held on July 7th 9:00am starting and concluding in front of the Wayside Inn Shelter.
Route will be in the NV City Park area.
Race format will be a manually timed event with an "air horn" start.
Cost: $20/person for early registration (includes race entry +finisher's medal + study)
$25/person, $40/couple from June 3rd until day of race - strollers free
*** Proceeds to benefit Wayside Inn Shelter ***
Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.