Keithville, LA US 71047
This race has five total distances from 100 miles down to a 5k. Only the 5k, & 10k are available on this platform. This race is mostly single-track trail in Eddie D. Jones Park in Caddo Parish, Louisiana. The 5k will have 600' of elevation and the 10k will have about 400' of elevation. You will hear Chimpanzees from the near by sanctuary and you will also get a serenade of beautiful bells from the nearby Veteran's Cemetery; all while enjoying beautiful trails.
PACKET PICKUP: RUN WILD 9462 Ellerbe RD. Next to Silver Star Grill
November 3rd, Thursday 10:30am-6:00pm
November 4th, Friday 10:00am - 5:30pm
November 5th, Saturday at Race Site
Race Contact Info
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