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Great Lakes Bay MOVEment

Fri March 20 - Sun May 31 Saginaw, MI 48604 US

Great lakes bay movement Website

Additional great lakes bay movement information can be found at



We run and we walk for mental and physical health, but we also enjoy the social aspects of doing it with others. Races have been postponed, group runs have been cancelled... but this isn't a time where we have to be alone. In a time of "social distancing" and self quarantines, just like you we are struggling to adapt. That is why we propose a new idea: Physical Distancing, Social Togetherness. 

The Great Lakes Bay Movement running & walking project is a free program meant to inspire us all through these trying times, brought to you by the crew at Runners Athletic Company.  Join our movement, keep motivation high, and share your story with us and with each other.  This is not a race or a coached training program.  It's a free inspirational campaign to keep all of us moving forward.  When you register, you'll be socially linked with other runners & walkers and we'll all be moving together to keep spirits high and to keep us all accountable to our running, walking, and fitness goals.  YOU'VE GOT THIS!



Sign up. Run.  Walk.  Move. Keep moving.  Through the Great Lakes Bay Movement, you can download free training plans provided by G&M Training, or you can stick to your current routine.  What matters is that we all stay active and together.  
Socialize.  Social distancing is important right now.  So is remaining social.  We will utilize the tools at our disposal - from social media to Strava - to communicate and support one another.  As you sign up for the program, you'll get more info on how we're linking the Saginaw, Midland, Bay City and Mount Pleasant area (Great Lakes Bay) running & walking communities during these unique times. 
Support Runners Athletic Company will be sending out Great Lakes Bay Movement motivational emails that will share your stories.  They'll provide tips to keep you going, mile after solo mile.  They'll hold us all accountable, because the world isn't stopping and we need to move.
Motivate.  Join the movement, move and keep moving, and please... share your story! You could be rewarded with Runners Athletic Company gift cards, race entries provided by TriToFinish, and other sweet prizes!

NOTE: Be sure to check your inbox for your confirmation email after registering.  This will contain social links, free downloadable training plans, and more. 



We're runners & walkers.  

We're goal driven people. 

The goal of Great Lakes Bay Movement is to keep all of us focused on our goals and provide a network that can link strangers through one major commonality - a love of movement.  We'll be collecting your stories and sharing them through social media and a Great Lakes Bay Movement motivational email. Runners Athletic Company is known for supporting all of our local run clubs and teams. This program is designed to fill the void as those group runs & walks are on pause while we weather the current public health storm. 



As we lean on one another for support, Runners Athletic Company has a few options set up for you to use in order to stay linked with your running & walking community: 

Strava: Strava is an online running & walking log where you can interact with other users. Join the Runners Athletic Company Strava group and post your workouts. Friend others. Share comments. Let's keep our community alive & strong. Helpful Tip: download the mobile app and connect to your Garmin!
Facebook: Join the Great Lakes Bay Movement Facebook group, share your pics, your runs, your walks, your story.
Instagram & Twitter: Use #GreatLakesBayMovement on all your social media posts about running & walking. Let's share as many of our uplifting, positive moments as we can!
Motivational Email: We'll be sending out motivational emails, keeping you up to date on inspirational stories and sharing any run or race updates we can. 
Incentives: We all need something to look forward to right now.  How about the chance to win gift cards from Runners Athletic Company & race entries from TriToFinish?  Inspire us with your posts on Strava or social media while using #GreatLakesBayMovement and you could win one of our prize giveaways.

Once we run through this current disruption, race schedules will resume.  Group runs & walks will start back up.  We'll be able to give you a high five after a great run.  Let's keep that in mind and let's move together to build towards that moment!




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