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St. Clair River 5K

Sat July 28, 2012 St. Clair, MI 48079 US Directions


St. Clair River 5K

8:35AM EDT


4335 Yankee Road
St. Clair, MI US 48079


St. Clair High School Wrestling Team invites you to participate in our St. Clair River 5K.  This event will take place during the 2012 St. Clair River Offshore Boat Races and Festival weekend.

In 2010, wrestling returned to SCHS after more than 20 years absence.  In these times of economic cutbacks, there are not the monies to support the wrestling team and thus it is fully funded by the parents, fundraising, and donations.  the team currently practices on an 18 year old mat that was donated by another school.  For the past 2 years the team has worked diligently to raise the funds necessary to purchase new mats for both practice and competition.  The SCHS Wrestlers are dedicated young men to their sport, studies, community, and future.

Your participation and support will make a difference in the lives of these young men.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Participants will compete in the following Male and Female Age Groups for the 5K:  13 & under, 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 and over.

Medals will be awarded to the top three (3) Male and Female age group winners.



The Start and Finish Line for the St. Clair River 5K will be located at the St. Clair Middle School.

Water Stations will be located at the mid-way point on the 5K course.

Parking and bathroom facilities will be available at the St. Clair Middle School.

Water and snacks will be available to all runners and walkers.

Checks Payable & Address

Checks Payable to:

St Clair High School with SCHS Wrestling Run written under “notes”.


Send to:          

St. Clair River 5K

6367 Briggeman Road                                          

St. Clair, MI  48079



Register by July 9th, 2012 and receive a "St. Clair River 5K" t-shirt. 


Runners and walkers may register the day of the event between 7:30-8:15 a.m.  T-shirts are not gauranteed for after July 9th early registration cut-off.  A small number of extra t-shirts will be ordered, and will be distributed on a first-come, first serve basis.



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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