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Lake Logan Sprint

Sun August 4, 2019 Canton, NC 28716 US Directions



7:30AM EDT - 5:00PM EDT
Open to ages 10+.


7:30AM EDT - 5:00PM EDT
Open to ages 10+.


7:30AM EDT - 5:00PM EDT
Open to ages 10+.


Lake Logan Episcopal Center
25 Wormy Chestnut Lane
Canton, NC US 28716

Lake Logan Sprint Start LIst


Event #15 in the 2019 AAA Car Care North Carolina Triathlon Series

Distances: S: 500 Meters - B: 20K - R: 5K

There are few places in multisport where only one word can describe the essence of the place and the event.  In the Southeast that word is Logan or more specifically Lake Logan.  For those who raced here or have heard the stories, Logan means breathtaking beauty, a wet-suit legal swim in the heat of the summer, a rolling bike course that is flatter than people imagine in the mountains and a shaded run course along a scenic river.

NOTE:  The registration fee for the Lake Logan Sprint does NOT include a race shirt.
Race shirts are available for purchase for an additional charge of $10.


The Lake Logan Sprint is a co-production with Glory Hound Events.

For more information on Glory Hound Events: 

Timing Information

Champion Chip Timing:

This race will be timed using the Champion Chip Timing method and athletes will receive five splits: swim, T1, bike, T2 and run. Aquabike athletes will receive three splits: swim, transition and bike.

Chip Pick-Up is race morning, 5:15 AM—6:30 AM at the race site. You will be required to show your run number to the folks handing out timing chips in order to get your timing chip. Please make sure you read the Champion Chip Timing instruction sheet displayed at packet pick-up.

NOTE: All timing chips must be picked up by 6:30 AM. If you lose your timing chip, you will be charged a $30 replacement fee.
Chip pick-up will begin at 5:15 AM on race morning. Make sure you receive the correct timing chip. Your chip number will match your run number. You will wear this chip on your left ankle. Attach the chip to the disposable medical ankle strap given to you at chip pick up and attach the strap to your left ankle.

Chip Fit Tips: We usually recommend 1-2 fingers width between the band and your ankle. Too Loose: It could fall off and you’ll be charged a replacement fee for the lost chip. Too Tight: It will become uncomfortable as your ankle will swell a little during the race. When you get it adjusted just right, make sure that the band snaps shut. You will hear the band snap into its closed position when it is secured properly.

Volunteers will remove your strap and collect your timing chip as soon as you cross the finish line. If you are an Aquabike participant, your race will end when you enter the transition area after the bike portion. Please walk over to the finish line to return your timing chip at that time.

What happens if I lose the timing chip? If this happens you will be charged a $30 replacement fee. We will send you an invoice within a week of the race. You will be required to pay that invoice before you race in any other Set Up Events races. Lost chips are a rarity. In 2016, we had less than ten lost chips for the entire year. If you attach the chip and chip strap to your ankle correctly, you should not lose the chip.

Cut off Times: The timing systems and finish line for the International event will close 2 hours 15 minutes after the start of the final wave.

Race Day Arrival: Please arrive no later than 6:30 AM. Incoming traffic on the two-lane mountain road is always heavy on race morning. Please make sure you leave in plenty of time to arrive. Packet pick-up on race morning will close at 6:30 AM.

Parking: There is ample parking available at the event site. Participants (athletes and spectators) will park near the transition area on the large grass airstrip just over the bridge and on the left. This is a short walk to TA and the event finish. There is NO PARKING available in the transition area, near the tennis courts, on Logan Circle Road or the bridge. Please DO NOT drop off equipment or gear in this area. Cars parked along the side of the road will be towed. Please proceed directly to the parking area upon arrival. After you finish your race and head back to your car, please be aware of runners still on the course and show them every courtesy that was shown to you.
Packet Pick-Up and Registration is available on race day until 6:30 AM. Both are located near the transition area at the race site.
It is a USAT rule that if you ride your bike to the transition area prior to the race you must be wearing your bike helmet.

Body Marking: All participants must be marked at the body marking area at the race site. Body marking will begin at 5:15 AM on race day. You MUST show your race run bib to the volunteer responsible for marking you. If you do not have your bib, you will not be marked.

Bike Support: Bike tech support will be provided the morning of the event near the transition area.

The transition area will have five entrances/exits:

Transition Area Entrance/Exit
Swim Finish
Bike Start
Bike Finish
Run Start

These entrances and exits will be clearly identified through the use of large inflatable archways. Once the race starts and you’re racing, make sure you come in and out of the transition area through the appropriate inflatable archway. If you’re finishing the swim and heading into the transition area to start the bike, make sure you run through the inflatable archway that reads SWIM FINISH. The inflatable archway next to that one will be for RUN START, so you don’t want to run through that one. At the other end of the transition area will be the BIKE START and BIKE FINISH archways. Please use the designated TRANSITION AREA ENTRANCE/EXIT before the race (to rack your bike and set up your transition) and after you’ve finished racing (to remove your bike and gear). All participants will have their own numbered bike slot. Find your numbered bike rack and then find your specific space on that rack. You’ll notice that half the numbers on the bike rack face one direction and the other half face the other direction. Place your bike on the rack centered on your number and facing the same direction as your number. Wheel is down on the same side as your number. This will allow for more space between bikes for placing your gear. Each rack accommodates six bikes - three bikes on one side and three bikes on the other side. Do not make a complete change of clothing in the transition area or other event area. There will be port-a-johns located in the transition are as well as the finish/start area. Please use these units if you plan to change clothing.
Transition area closes at 6:45 AM.
There will be NO Bike Storage the night before the race.
After the race, you will be required to show your race number (body marking or run number) to check your bike out of transition.

This swim features an in-water start and a clockwise swim 500 meter rectangle course. Please keep the swim turn buoys to your right. A swim course diagram is available under the "Course Description" tab or by clicking HERE

Water Temps: Water temps will be posted on the website by 9:00 PM on Thursday before the event. USAT wetsuit rules will apply. If the water temperature is 79 – 83 degrees, participants may choose to wear a wetsuit, however, they will not be eligible for awards and they will not receive any NCTS points or USAT ranking points and will show up in the results as disqualified. 

The water temperature at Lake Logan is expected to be below 83 degrees and is likely to be a wetsuit-legal race. Please note that the last 100 yards of the swim—beneath the roadway bridge and into the mouth of the river feeding the lake — is MUCH cooler than the water in the lake.

SWIM CAPS are provided and must be worn.
PLEASE ARRIVE at the SWIM START no later than 7:15 AM.

OPEN WATER SWIM TIPS: If you need assistance during the swim, roll over on your back and put your hand in the air and RELAX—don’t panic. A swim course safety monitor will assist you. If you need to hang on to a watercraft during the swim, please make sure you are not hanging on to one of the motorized safety boats. You may hang on to a non-motorized vessel (kayaks, canoes, or surfboards) without penalty, however if you hang on to the side of one of the motorized watercraft you
will be taken out of the water and disqualified.

Swim Waves:

  1. 7:30 AM      Advanced Males and Females            White Caps
  2. 7:31 AM      Males 15 - 59                                       Royal Blue Caps 
                       Females 15 - 39                                   
                       Aquabike Males                                       
  3. 7:34 AM      Novice Males & Females                     Neon Green Caps
                       Aquabike Females
                       Females 40+ / Males 60+
                       Relay Teams                                                                                                                                                                           Males and females 14 & under

Bike Information:

The bike course is a 20k loop on rural county roads. This scenic course features easy and moderate rollers. The roads are open to traffic—but traffic is usually fairly light.. A course map can be found under the "Course Description" tab or by clicking HERE

BIKE TRANSITION: Mount your bike at the designated mount/dismount line just outside the transition area. You will also have to dismount at this location.

DRAFTING: No drafting! Draft Marshals will be on the course and drafting rules will be enforced! Stay to the right to allow faster cyclists to pass on the left.

HELMETS REQUIRED: Hard shell helmets must be worn and fastened before leaving the transition area. This includes pre and post-race travel to the race site and warm-up. The helmet number provided in your race packet must be affixed to the front of the helmet. Please affix the bike frame number to the bike so that it is clearly visible to USAT officials.

EQUIPMENT: No headphones, earphones or any radio-type devices will be allowed.

COURSE INFO: There are plenty of volunteers and police officers for the race, turns will be clearly marked and mile markers are indicated on the course. Remember: it is ultimately your responsibility to know the course. Roads will be open to vehicular traffic. Be careful and alert at all times.

There are no water drops on the sprint course.

BIKE SUPPORT: Bike tech support will be provided near the transition area on race morning. There will be bike tech support on the course as well, however, we strongly recommend that all athletes arrive prepared to change their own flats if the case arises.

The 3.1 mile run is an out-and-back on Lake Logan road. A course map can be found under the "Course Description" tab or by clicking HERE.

AID STATIONS: Aid stations will be located at the run start and approximately every mile on the course. These aid stations will offer water, energy drink, first aid kits and port-a-johns.

PLEASE make sure you deposit ALL trash in the trash containers that will be located at each aid station. We ask for you cooperation with this. Any and all trash must be picked up after the race by our volunteers. Help these folks out – they will have been out there longer than you.

HEADPHONES: Headphones, headsets, ipods, mp3 players, or personal audio devices, etc. are not to be carried or worn at any time during the race.

RACE NUMBERS: You must have your run number visible on the front of your body as you cross the finish line. Failure to do so will result in a two minute penalty.

FINISH LINE: When you approach the finish line you will cross over several timing mats – located approx. 50 yards before the finish line. These mats are used to pick up your race number so that the race announcer will be able to announce your name. Don’t stop at this point – keep running to the finish line – the finish line will be obvious.

PLEASE NOTE: You are allowed to cross the finish line only once! Do not finish the race and then come through the finish line again with an athlete who is finishing after you. If you do, you will be assessed a five minute penalty.


All members must be present at packet pick-up. Each member needs to show a photo i.d. and USAT membership. Relay packets include a neoprene ankle strap, a timing chip pass and the same bike and run numbers as an individual athlete. On race day, the swimmer or the runner will pick up the team timing chip. The swimmer can show the timing chip pass or the runner may show the square run number to pick up the chip. The neoprene ankle strap allows for easy transfer from swimmer to biker and biker to runner. This strap is worn on the left ankle of each team member. Please remember to pass off the timing chip to your team member for accurate results!
Swimmers will tag bikers at their assigned bike rack location. Bikers must tag runners at the same location. Relay members do not have to remain in the transition area the entire race, but you do need to make sure you are at the bike rack in enough time to get yourself ready and for your team member to tag you. Please be courteous of other competitors as you wait for your team members!
ALL Relay members MUST get body marked before the race.

EVENT SITE NOTES: Please Don’t Litter: Be good citizens and give our volunteers a break – don’t litter on the bike or run courses. Littering will result in an automatic disqualification.

Post-Race Food & Drinks: Post-Race refreshments will be located near the finish line. Food and drinks are free to all
athletes and volunteers.
The Lake Logan Conference Center will have a concession tent serving coffee and breakfast items then transitioning to lunch items.

Results: Results will be posted continuously during the day at the Results Tent on a large screen TV. Complete results including splits will be posted on the event website later in the day.

Awards: The awards ceremony will begin after the last finisher completes the race or approximately 3:30 PM. If you cannot attend the awards ceremony, please have someone pick up your award. We will not mail awards.

Lake Logan is a great spectator-friendly event! Due to the volume of bike, car and run traffic in the area, we ask you plan to make a day of it and not leave the center while your athlete races.
PLEASE NOTE: Those wanting to watch the swim from the bridge must stay inside the white lines on both sides of the road. This road is open to traffic and we must maintain a clear path for vehicles.
Either side of the gravel road is a great place to watch the bike exit and entrance and the run exit and entrance. Please stay inside the pennant line at all times.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Packet Pick-Up


Race Site:  Lake Logan Episcopal Center - Google map


*   Saturday, August 3rd (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) 
•   Sunday, August 4th (5:00 AM - 6:30 AM) 

Parking for packet pick-up will be in the same grass airstrip being used for race day parking. Parking WILL NOT be allowed near the transition area as in years past.

Mandatory Photo ID: All participants will be required to show photo ID at packet
pick-up (including relay team members). You will not be given your race packet without photo ID! All participants must pick up their own race packet – individuals and relays. USAT Members: USA Triathlon requires that all USAT annual members must show their USAT membership card at packet pick-up. Any USAT annual member who does not present his/her valid membership card at packet pick-up will be required to pay the USAT one-day fee of $15. If you have not yet received your current USAT membership card, be sure to print out a temporary card to show at packet pick-up. We must see a current expiration date or you will have to pay the one-day fee. Please visit the USAT membership page to join, renew or print your temporary card.

Race Packet:

Your race packet will contain two race numbers and a swim cap. As part of Set Up’s GO GREEN initiative, we’ve reduced the amount of printed materials in your packet. Course maps, swim wave times and categories and event details will be posted at packet pickup. If you wish to have this info with you, please print it out before the race.
You will be issued two numbers at packet pick-up: The square number is your run number and must be displayed on the front of your body during the run segment of the race only. Safety pins will be available at packet pick-up if you don’t have a race  number belt. The medium-sized number (actually containing your number twice) is used during the bike segment of the race. Place this number over the top tube of your bike using the adhesive backing.

Important things to remember:

•   A photo ID is required for packet pick-up.
•   Cash, Check only. The internet is sporadic so we cannot connect our credit card reader and accept credit cards.
•   You must fill out a medical form for packet pickup. Please complete this Medical Form and bring to packet pickup.
•   All participants must pick up their own race packet. (Including all relay team members)
•   USA Triathlon requires that all USAT members must show their USAT membership card at packet pick-up.
•   Any USAT annual member who does not present his/her valid membership card at packet pick-up, 
    will be required to pay the USAT one-day fee of $15. No exceptions.


A participant orientation meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Friday, August 2nd at the pavilion. We will cover as many details as possible about the race and questions will be encouraged. A representative from USA Triathlon will also be on hand to discuss USAT issues and concerns relative to rules and safety. This meeting should last about 30 minutes - we encourage everyone to attend.



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