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Just Get Started 5k

Sat May 21, 2022 Dunn, NC 28334 US

There are currently no events.


Out & Back Running
306 E. Broad Street
Dunn, NC US 28334


This isn't just a race but rather a plan.  This is a 10 week program designed for those who want to begin or return to running but aren't sure where or how to start.  The program begins on Monday March 14th and ends with a timed 5k on Saturday May 21st.  Along with entry to a 5k, each participant will also receive a t-shirt, a written plan to help you prepare for and complete the 5k, a coupon for 10% off a pair of running shoes at Out & Back Running in Dunn and a finisher's metal for all the participants who complete the 5k.

The race will be held in Erwin on the Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail.  The exact start/finish line will be determined and posted by the end of February.

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