Moorestown, NJ US 08057
Class is Tuesday, February 22 12pm to 4pm EST.
RunSignup is extending this training as a free service for Timers to help support their ability to offer virtual and on-site events RaceJoy's mobile race experience. In order to attend, you must have a timer account set up with RunSignup. All timers are welcome. Existing certified timers are encouraged to attend as many new capabilities and changes were implemented.
This online training is for Timers who wish to become RaceJoy Certified in order to provide RaceJoy to their events. This session will focus on how timers can offer RaceJoy for hybrid races, including on-site timed events with defined courses, race anywhere events, and challenge events.
Online Class Link for the February 22 session:
Please make sure to register here (on RunSignup) first before going to the class link above.
Registrants will receive a link to a WebEx meeting that will include initial prep training that attendees can do in advance of the session. Participants will need access to a computer and Internet service. Attendance for the full four hours is required. Attendees will complete map building exercises and answer online polling questions in order to receive certification. One-on-one assistance will be provided as needed.
Note: Certification is based upon the company not the individual. You can choose to have one person from your organization to become certified and then train the others on your staff.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Interactive Race Day Experience with RaceJoy
Live Phone Tracking, GPS Progress Alerts and Cheers!
We are providing you with RaceJoy as part of the official race experience for the RaceJoy Certification - Online Training February 2022.
Download the RaceJoy mobile app in advance to ensure proper phone setup. Invite your friends and family to track you and send you cheers!
Some key RaceJoy features include:
GPS Progress Alerts
- Receive continual progress updates as you complete your goal.
Live GPS Tracking
- Remote spectators can track your progress live in a map view. You can also track others.
- Receive supportive audio cheers from remote friends & family.
Virtual Results (virtual events only)
- Enter your race-assigned bib number to automatically submit your finish data for real-time scored results.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.