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Battling Batten Disease 5K

Sun November 3, 2019 Columbus, OH 43215 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

9:45AM EST - 10:30AM EST

1 Mile Walk

9:45AM EST - 10:30AM EST


400 W. Whittier St
Scioto Audubon Metro Park,
Columbus, OH US 43215


Join us for the 2019 5K and Family Walk at Scioto Audubon Metro Park.  This fundraising event is organized by a group of volunteers in memory of Celia Betz and her brave fight against Batten disease.

Batten disease, or Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL), is a family of rare terminal diseases caused by autosomal recessive genetic mutations resulting in the body.  These genetic mutations disrupt the cells' ability to dispose of wastes.  Cells are thrown out of  balance with the  build-up of proteins and lipids (fats). There are 13 known forms of Batten disease and yu will often hear them referred to as CLN1-CLN14.  It is estimated that 2-4 births per 100,000 in the U.S. are affected by Batten disease, though some researchers in the field suggest these numbers are low.  There is currently no cure.

The 5K course will include a loop through the Scioto Audubon Metro Park and an out and back section on the Scioto trail.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Day Schedule

  • 8:30AM Race Day packet pickup and registration open
  • 9:30AM Kids' Fun Run
  • 9:45AM 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk starts
  • 10:30AM   Awards presented and Post Race ceremony

Early Packet Pickup

November 3, 2019 there will be packet pickup from 10:30AM to the Front Runner store, 1344 W Lane Ave, Columbus,



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