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Hills Build Character - Elevation Challenge!

Sat August 1 - Mon August 31


Anywhere you want, but probably where it's hilly!


Continuing our monthly free virtual race/challenges, we give you the August Challenge - Hills Build Character!

"Hills are strength training in disguise..." - some runner

"Hills build character." - Brandon

This month we are challenging you to run...up hill! Hills are the backbone of running. They strengthen you mentally and physically, they make race day easy, they make any course doable, and they make you tougher than your running peers who avoid them at all cost! So what's the challenge, find hills, run them, and total your elevation gain!

If you done some of the challenges recently, you're familiar with how to track. If you haven't don't fret. Essentially you can login daily, weekly, or just one time at the end of the month and enter your elevation gain. To "accurately" measure elevation gain, we highly recommend a GPS watch or simply using your phone and downloading an app like Strava. These watches/app will automatically tally your elevation gain every run. Otherwise you can use a tool like "" to plot the route you want to run or did run, and it will tell you the elevation gained on that route.

This is all an honor system, if you lie, you're just cheating yourself! We've got a couple of "goals" for everyone and we will award one random winner from each tier with any ARP hat. The more tiers you achieve, the more chances to win! 

Tier 1 - 1,550 Feet - This elevation marks the high point in the state of Ohio which is at Campbell Hill in Bellefontaine!

Tier 2 - 3,110 Feet - Two trips up Campbell Hill!

Tier 3 - 6,683 Feet - The highest point in the eastern USA, Mt Mitchell in western North Carolina, just 20 miles outside of Asheville!

Tier 4 - 14,505 Feet - The highest point in the lower 48, Mt. Whitney!

The challenge starts August 1st and ends August 31st, so get running! And yes, if you sign up late but have already been running and have the data from strava, gps watch, etc. You can count that elevation!

Good luck and remember, #HillsBuildCharacter

P.s. We dedicate this to our boy, Nick! Heather said you need to run more hills!

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