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The 5280

Fri May 8 - Sun May 31


Anywhere in the world! Your local high school track, that's fine. The treadmill, well, sure, we'll allow that. A city block, a park, a trail, whatever, just go race a mile!


Everyone can run or walk a mile, but have you ever raced one? Enter the 5280, in case you weren't aware, there are exactly 5,280 feet in a mile. That's not so bad right? 1,609 meters, 4 laps around a track, probably a loop around a city block...but have you ever raced one?

It hurts, a lot. Only a quarter of the way in you'll start to feel the burn and by half way your legs and lungs will be screaming at you to stop, but that's when the fun is just getting started 'cause you're only half way to the finish! That's when words and phrases like "grit" and "mental stamina" get tossed around. So you better buckle up folks because this 5,280 feet is gonna hurt and you're gonna like it!

This race is completely free, we just want to see you give it your best shot. Maybe you'll run your best mile this year or maybe your best mile since you were in high school, or for the really lucky few, the best mile of your life. You won't know though until you try. So lace up, get out the door, and go race a mile!

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