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The AFT 1.5 Miler

Tue September 1 - Sat October 10

Race Website

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Anywhere you want!


Another month, another free virtual race to keep everyone going! If you've missed them, here's ones we've done so far!

April - 5K
April - 10K
May - 19K
June - 4, 8, or 12 hour challenge
July - Summer Conditioning Challenge (Long Runs + Pushups + Situps)
August - Hills Build Character Elevation Challenge

And now we're back for September and hitting pause on the challenges and going for a race, a 1.5 mile race!

So what's "AFT" stand for? Well, for those who attended the Air Force Academy, you'll know what AFT stands for! For everyone else, it means Aerobic Fitness Test! And why 1.5 miles? Well, whether you went to the Academy or just served in the Air Force, the 1.5 mile run is the benchmark distance used for testing physical fitness. For those who are active duty, the 1.5 mile run constitutes 60% of the score when taking the Physical Fitness Test!

The distance is a tough one, it's short but not as lung searing as say a 1 mile. But not long enough like a 5K where you can find a solid rhythm. The great part about the distance though is it can give you a good idea of your fitness without making you sore for a week!

Thus this race has only one rule, run your fastest 1.5 mile effort anytime between September 1st-30th! When you're done, submit your time! :)

We will pick one male and one female at random to win an ARP hat of their choice!

Good luck and have fun!

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